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Montessori Olympics Grammar Game

Use my free printable Free Montessori Grammar Bingo Game to present lessons in the parts of speech. This game is designed to be used with the Modern Montessori at Home: A Creative Teaching Guide for Parents of Children Six through Nine Years of Age and Modern Montessori at Home II: A Creative Teaching Guide for Parents of Children 10 through 12 Years of Age books.

The free AMC Montessori Grammar Bingo Game contains all of the directions, grammar symbol printouts, game cards, and free templates. You will even receive some bonus templates in Spanish. All of the work has been done for you.

The game is designed to be used with the Montessori’s Three Period Lesson. By using this method. your child will understand which grammar symbol corresponds with a given part of speech.

Before introducing the grammar extension exercises, make sure that your child has become familiarized with the game and feels comfortable playing it. Once this has been accomplished, begin to introduce the sentences that accompany the game and get ready to have some fun!

Use the game templates included with your free game .pdf download to create your own specialized Montessori grammar bingo game. Select a Summer 2008 Olympics theme, and then study the paragraphs enclosed with the game. Visit to collect the Olympics facts you will need for the game

Next, encourage your child to compose his own paragraph based on this Olympics theme. Using the Three Period Lesson, have him identify the parts of speech in each paragraph he composes.

For additional instructions visit Montessori Olympics Grammar Game At this page, you will also locate some fun variations for children who are currently learning a second language.

Enjoy! 🙂


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Summer Olympics 2008 Lesson Planning Ideas

For 2012 Olympics lesson planning, please visit Summer 2012 Olympics Lesson Planning Ideas

Locate some spectacular cross-curricular Olympic-themed lesson plans by visiting

Here is a sampling:

Healthy Bodies

Learn how the Olympians get into shape. Discover how children can apply these same principles to their lives.

Spotlight Sport

Locate facts, history, latest news about the Olympics

Olympic Facts

Learn more about Olympics history, traditions and symbols

Creative Zone

Find projects related to ancient Greece and the Olympics


Get lesson ideas

Parade of Nations

Learn more about countries that have hosted the Olympic Games. Connect
to facts, maps, and history lesson planning information.

See also Free Montessori Olympics Grammar Game

For additional free practical life, sensorial, social studies, science, English, math, creative writing, phonics, reading and humanities lesson planning visit



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Gardening Year Round – Tips from an Expert

On July 19, 2008, I attended a very interesting program, sponsored by the Long Beach Public Library, which featured how to grow plants year round. Lonnie Brundage, 1st Vice President, of the Long Beach Community Garden, spoke at length about the history and function of the Long Beach Community Garden, the individual member’s role in starting and maintaining a successful garden plot, plus provided excellent gardening information that we all can use. I wish that all who are reading this article could spend an hour listening and learning from this gifted educator.

According to Lonnie, almost every school in Long Beach has a garden. The County of Los Angeles has promoted this. Gardening provides children with an opportunity to make some general analogies. For example, Lonnie uses gardening as a tool to help young children see and compare the gardening cycle with the human life cycle. Children see a small bud beginning to grow. A comparison can then be made to the growth of a human baby. A baby and a young plant both need to be nurtured and protected from harm. “Children can see the life cycle. They then understand death,” Lonnie said. She added, “It doesn’t take a lot of space to grow your own garden. Just a lot of love.”

Why not take some time this week to plan and start your very own small garden. Besides growing your own plants in a backyard setting, according to Lonnie, you can start your garden at your school or in your apartment. She also feels that a garden would be a good library project.

Space doesn’t have to be an issue. Sone individuals use buckets and such. You can grow your garden in a bag of compost! Just cut an X in the bag and place a tomato plant inside. Cut another X in the bag and repeat by placing a tomato plant or some other plant inside. Just add water and fertilizer, and of course maintain with water. Lonnie has coined this type of gardening as a ‘pillow garden’. Isn’t that a clever idea? When the nutrients are spent, just discard the bag and start again.

Individuals purchasing a plot at the Long Beach Community Garden become well informed about the dos and don’ts of maintaining their plot. Each new owner must attend an orientation where he learns about the natural habitat and how a balance is achieved and maintained. The new owner learns about the foxes, skunks, raccoons, coyotes, opossum, hawks, rats, mice and other critters residing at the Long Beach Community Garden and the checks and balances that are used to make certain that the environment remains biologically homeostatic. “We encourage people to be as natural or organic as possible,” Lonnie said.

During the presentation, Lonnie reommended the UC Davis website and encouraged people to read the How to Manage Pests in Gardens and Landscapes article found there. I visited the website and could readily see why she mentioned this invaluable resource.

For those living in or around Long Beach, California, who will be starting their gardens this month,
Lonnie suggests planting tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumber or corn. If you live near Long Beach, California the LBCG Plant Calendar will be useful. Visit and click on the Plant Calendar hyperlink. For people living outside of California as well as outside the United States, please visit the AMC Montessori Fall Newsletter Scroll past the information about fall and winter cooking. You will easily be able to locate many links to vegetable charts, planting resources and fall/winter meal preparation.

To receive general information about the Long Beach Garden Association, please visit If you will be visiting Long Beach, California this summer or at some point in the future, visit for tour information.

The Garden Artisans website and the AMC Montessori Fall 2007 Hands On Lessons Part I newsletter also offer readers a wealth of additional gardening information.

This blog contains multiple free Montessori lesson plans, reviews and more. For a small sampling click on the links below:

The Sensitive Period for the Acquisition of Language

Walking the Line: Montessori Style

Homeschooling? Feeling stressed out? Let me offer a few suggestions

Enjoy! 🙂


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A Movie About Maria Montessori Worth Watching

Many of us spend parts of the day multitasking. I often find it easier to endure my time walking on the treadmill, by watching some informative television program. Usually, I watch some type of political programming; however, early last night, for some odd reason, I found myself channel surfing. With the remote control in hand, I sped by numerous channels featuring inane shows, Suddenly, my eyes briefly caught the intro to something that was actually astonishing. I saw the television title header MarĂ­a Montessori: Una Vida Dedicada a los Niños flicker for a second on the television screen. What did I just see? Quickly, my finger hit the back button on the remote, to make sure that I wasn’t seeing things. I wasn’t!! However, I still couldn’t believe my eyes.

My timing was indeed fortuitous. Within minutes, the dialogue validated that I was watching the opening scenes of the film, MarĂ­a Montessori: Una Vida Dedicada a los Niños (Maria Montessori: A Life Dedicate to the Children). I stood there for a while, just listening and observing. Within minutes, I could see that this production would fall into the genre of Masterpiece Theater rather than some poorly acted and scripted B movie. Fine. I had made the decision to watch. At this point, I was intrigued just enough to see if the film was an accurate account of Maria Montessori’s life or just a another docufiction.

What unfolded before me was a well acted, scripted and produced account of Maria Montessori’s life. I found myself being vicariously transported back into time. Throughout the entire movie, Maria’s genuine love and concern for children was permeable. Many of Maria’s struggles, heartaches and victories that we have read about were accurately and thoughtfully brought before the audience for the viewer’s contemplation. I kept marveling at Maria’s courage and determination. Aspects of Maria Montessori’s personal life, including her relationship with her son Mario, were also disclosed.

It was very evident that the writers, producers, actors and others concerned with the making of this film really took the genius of Maria Montessori’s life seriously and had taken precautions not to use an artistic license to distort facts.

Maria’s many struggles to adopt new pedagogy in various countries were examined, and her conversations, which were at times quite intense, underscored her desire to never compromise her beliefs. As we know, Maria was so ahead of her time. Consequently, her so called “radical” thinking was very difficult for the Bourgeoisie of that day to accept.

Scoffers who had dismissed the children running rampant through the streets of Rome as being uneducable, later saw a great transformation. What they later witnessed were children working calming and independently with Maria Montessori’s didactic materials. Her nemeses also saw these same children engaging interactively, showing courtesy and respect to each other as they washed and dried the dishes in a typical Montessori practical life setting.

Bits and pieces of Mussolini’s prevailing fascist doctrine and Maria’s refusal to make the children believe in a fascist mentality were exposed. To allow otherwise, would be contrary to what she advocated. After all, she believed in individuality and didn’t want children to live in a suppressed society where their voices would go unheard and their individuality lost.

The actress who portrayed Maria Montessori did so beautifully. I was amazed with her striking resemblance to Maria Montessori. I believe, the persona this actress displayed would be appreciated by Maria Montessori as well. The actress artfully captured Maria’s intellect, sensitivity and genuine love of children. She brilliantly portrayed the essence of Maria’s pure frustration in being unable to take action when, for example, witnessing firsthand children being abused.

Watching the scenes of children being beaten and otherwise abused, and seeing Maria’s reaction was difficult to sit through. All of us who have seen a child or children being physically or verbally abused can relate to that level of discomfort. Like Maria, whenever possible, we try to be proactive and stop the abuse. We try to follow her example.

If you know about Maria Montessori’s life, and understand some Spanish, you can easily sit through and watch the movie without feeling overly tired. It’s well worth watching and serves as a powerful reminder of our collective role as stewards in the lives of the many children who traverse our paths during our lifetime.

Indeed, Maria Montessori’s example for us, especially when acted out in a movie, becomes a vivid reminder of her legacy and how and why it has endured for more than a century.

Where to view –

Use to find out when and on what television stations this film will next be televised.

Some additional links to visit include:

The Sensitive Period for the Acquisition of Language

Walking the Line: Montessori Style

Homeschooling? Feeling stressed out? Let me offer a few suggestions

Heidi Anne Spietz